World Heritage and Degradation (Open Access)
Le Vie dei Mercanti XIV Forum Internazionale di Studi
A cura di Carmine Gambardella
ISBN 978-88-6542-257-1
ISSN 2464-9678
Pagine: 1845
Anno: 2016
Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm
Collana: Fabbrica della conoscenza, 61
Supporto: file PDF (132 Mb)
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The theme of the XIV Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” is an international discussion on the disciplines of architecture, design and landscape through the presentation of research and operational projects on the conservation and valorisation of World Heritage and “smart” regeneration of degradation, with analyses and proposals ranging from the design at all scales, to architectural assets, the territory, infrastructures and the landscape. Academics, along with professionals who have a role in the governing, managing and controlling of public agencies, institutions and the business world are invited to submit papers related to design objects, architecture and landscapes. This is with the aim of conserving and recovering, valorising and regenerating, managing and designing (or re-designing), for the more general improvement of the quality of life, in an innovative and contemporary relationship between man and the environment, through “beauty”, while respecting the history, traditions, identity and principles of sustainable development, as well as being attentive to the needs of our and future generations. Internet of Everything, smart design, planning and technologies, building information modelling, in this age of globalization, have become operational tools – that alongside the traditional ones of the profession – for the protection and promotion of the World Heritage, are considered as well as shared by the whole of Humanity, and the regeneration of the degradation and the “Minor Heritage”, in all aspects, and as contemplated by the UNESCO Conventions on tangible and intangible assets and the European Landscape Convention. The event aims to create a critical transversal dialogue, open to cultural and “unlimited” influences, in a logic of integration between the skills that extends, and is not limited, to the following disciplines: anthropology, architecture, archaeology, history art, cultural geography, design, ethnology and folklore, economy, history, landscape, museum management, philosophy and political science, urban history and sociology, cultural tourism, planning and integrated management. The location is exceptional. Campania, with six sites included in the World Heritage List, two UNESCO Man and Biospheres, two sites on the List of Intangible Heritage, is one of the richest regions in the world for cultural and landscape heritage.
Carmine Gambardella
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