Intrecci. Riconfigurazione e Riuso della Materia (Open Access EN)
Projects by Irene Decima, Noemi di Bartolomeo, Eleonora Gentile, Rebecca Miccio
Translation by Rebecca Miccio
ISBN 978-88-6542-981-5
Pagine: 48
Anno: 2024
Formato: 21 x 21 cm
Supporto: file PDF (12 Mb)
Scarica il volume Open Access
On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2023, from April 18 to 23, 2023, in the spaces of Materially, at Superstudio Più, Via Tortona 27, in Milan, the Brera Academy of Fine Arts is present, in a dedicated space, with a selection of some of the students’ design experiments, from the Master’s Degree Course in Product Design, developed as part of the New Materials Technology Course, held by me in a.a. 2022/23.
The event originates from Materially’s donation to the Brera Academy of Fine Arts of some of the canvases used to set up the Urban Matter(S) exhibition for the 2022 MDW and made available to Brera students for their sustainable reuse after its conclusion.
The very flexible nature of the sheets, produced by Decorfil, consisting of cellulose acetate threads, produced in turn by Trevira GmbH, suggested the design theme of weaving, then the title of the exhibition.
The material aspect represents a strong connection between the projects presented, since in each of them the cellulose acetate threads, made from the cloths, are juxtaposed and composed together with other cellulose-based materials (wood, jute, cotton, tarlatan and dried grass, Extrudr Wood), arriving at the definition of perfectly biodegradable and environmentally friendly objects. The exhibition “Intrecci - Riconfigurazione e Riuso della Materia” is part of the Didactic Project “Intrecci” conceived and developed for a.a. 2022/23 by professors Elena Croci, Ada Ghinato, Elisabetta Gonzo and Fabio Iannotta as part of the Department of Design and Applied Arts - School of Artistic Design for Business, of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts.
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